Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall,
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Currently, the richest man in the world is Microsoft's CEO, Bill Gates. It's estimated the he makes over 32.4 million dollars a DAY! (Yes, you read that correctly. A DAY, not monthly or yearly - everyday!) Now, let me share with you some of Microsoft's and Bill Gates' secrets for success. (Pay very close attention because you're not going to read this anywhere else!). Bill Gates' Success Recipe Obviously, there are many variables leading to anyone's success, including Bill Gates', but here is the 'meat and potatoes':
This naturally leads us to the question of:
Well, I'll give you a hint - it starts with an "I" and ends with "N" . . . Give up? . . . Information! Yes, you guest right, Microsoft sells information - plain and simple! They make programs (that are in high demand), put them on disks/CD-ROMs that come with a book/manual (low cost), and sell them world wide with high mark-ups for almost pure profit. Is Bill Gates a genius? . . . maybe. Is it very difficult . . . no way. Can anybody do it . . . yes! Can YOU do it . . . most definitely YES! I hope by now you know that selling information is the key to making money (regardless of your business or service), and the key source for all your information will be found in the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM. What Ever You Do, Don't Decide Now! Okay, so now you've got your credit card in your right hand and check book in the left. Your only problem is that you can't decide which one you want to use, but all you know is that you're ready to order this amazing business-in-a-box (or should I say, "business-in-a-CD-ROM"). All you need to know is where to "click" to use our secure order form and you're on your way to starting your guaranteed cash flow business! But I want you to do me a favor and STOP! Put away your credit card and check book because I don't even want you to decide now whether or not you want to spend any of your hard-earned money. I want you to be completely comfortable with this powerful CD-ROM. Therefore, I'm offering you one of the most insane guarantees I've ever offered in my life . . . No-Risk, "10 Times Your
Investment", That's right! You have twelve months to test drive this amazing package. Examine it, try it and use it for a full year without any risk. If you haven't made at least 10 times your money back on the purchase price of this incredible package at the end of your one year "test drive", then simply return it for a complete no-hassle refund and I will return 100% of your investment -no hard feelings. Listen, the "miracle of life" -the creation of a human baby- takes only 9 months to happen while my guarantee is 12 months long. That's an extra 3 months! If after 12 months you haven't created your own miracle with the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM, then I expect you to demand and receive a complete refund! Why would I make such an outrageous offer and let you take the next year to decide? Because Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Richdale, Ted Nicholas, Don Lapre, Bob Serling, Bill Myers and thousands of other successful entrepreneurs know that selling information has been and will always be, one of the most lucrative businesses in the world! And as soon as you start, you'll know why also!
Just to "sweeten the deal," if I receive your order within the next 7 days, I'll include three valuable bonuses worth $1,073.00 you can keep as a gift, even if you later decide not to keep the CD-ROM!
Expand your business nationwide with the first of its kind, daily and weekly newspaper reference software! Nationwide NewspapersTM is a professionally developed Windows� based program. It includes an electronic directory of over 3,600 Daily & Weekly newspapers. Other menu options include statewide advertising associations. This option can place your ad in 100s of papers, with millions of readers, all with just one phone call. Many of these papers will cost you less than one dollar each! This powerful new program will also include Network and Group advertising associations. They can place your advertisement Locally, Regionally, or Nationally. You can select from a variety of publications including, daily, weekly, free weeklies, shoppers and more. We include pricing, deadlines and contact information. You can save a large amount of money and time using these "secret" advertising sources. Since we have included proven classified and display ads with the CD-ROM, you can start advertising in these "secret" one-dollar advertising sources within days of receiving your Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM. The more ads you place, the more money you make. That's the secret of "multiplication":
Free Marketing Rights! ($149 Value) For a limited time, we are including marketing rights to Nationwide NewspapersTM at no extra charge! As a distributor, youll be marketing a high quality product that is in very high demand. This is the perfect product at the perfect time. The marketplace is flooded with business opportunity offers and they all need this product! As with the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM, you have the option to buy future disks from us at super low whole sale prices or have us drop ship for you - the choice is yours! Free Leads! Anyone that places an ad in a newspaper, magazine, card deck etc., is a potential customer for using Nationwide NewspapersTM. In addition to the marketing rights, we will also give you a complete marketing manual so you'll know exactly what to do, from beginning to end!
Fifteen (15) "How-To" books is your second free bonus. These aren't just your ordinary how-to books, but these have been some of the best selling information publications on the market! (and none of these fifteen bonus books are found on the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM!) These books will teach you and your customers how to...
Not only will you receive these additional 15 books (each book is up to 45 pages in length), but I'm also going to give you the reprint and duplication rights! Yes, you read that correctly. Now you can reprint, edit and sell each of these books as your own.
Your third free bonus is awesome because it's a complete "Website-On-Disk" for your new business. Sometimes, it takes more than a great product to become a successful marketer. You must have professional and creative marketing materials. People will judge you and your product solely based upon your sales literature. The Website-On-Disk is five professionally created HTML pages that you can use to market the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM (in addition to the built in sales materials found on the CD-ROM). If you already have a web-site, then you can publish these pages and customize them as you feel necessary. If you maintain you own Web site, then you can publish and customize them yourself. If someone else creates and maintains your site, then give them the disk and the changes you would make. And if you don't feel like spending the money to have a Web site (they only cost between $10-$15 a month), then use one of the many free Web site offers all over the Internet. Plus, some Internet Service Providers (ISP - they are the people who give you access to the Internet) give you a 5 Mega Byte Web page for free, just for signing up with them. With an estimated $3 BILLION worth of Internet transactions for 1999, this disk and your new Web site maybe all you'll ever need to make money promoting the Report Broker 2000. Plus, Reproduction Rights! Receive unlimited reproduction rights to your Website-On-Disk, so you can copy it and offer it as a free bonus when marketing the CD-ROM! Now you have the reports, report-groups on disk, 15 bonus how-to books on disk and a website-on-disk to offer your customers as a bonus incentive to buying the Report Broker 2000; it's practically a guaranteed sale! OK, let's recap exactly what you're going to get:
You get all of the above, $1,073.00 in valuable bonuses, plus my no-risk "10 times your investment" 12 month money-back guarantee for the super low, low price of just $169! I think you'll agree that this is a tremendous bargain, especially when you consider how much it would cost you to buy each of these reports individually. Let alone the amount of information you will discover by reading the variety of money-making reports found in the CD-ROM!
To show you how serious I am about helping you make money, if I receive your order within the next three (3) days (please read the next few words very carefully), I will give you a second Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM for FREE! Let me repeat that one more time. By receiving your order within the next 72 hours, you will receive a second Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM at no additional charge. This way, you make money by keeping one CD-ROM for yourself and selling the second one for pure profit! Keep the money, save it, spend it, burn it or do anything you like with it - it's all yours to keep! You just can't ask for a better package than this and I can't be any more fair than I already have been. Here is the bottom line: The worst that can happen is youll come out $1,073.00 ahead with the Nationwide NewspapersTM (allowing you to advertise in over 3,600 newspapers many costing as little as $1 each), Website-On-Disk (five professionally created HTML pages) and 15 bonus how-to books. And theres simply no way you can lose with one of the strongest money-back guarantees Ive ever seen. Of course, the best thing that happens is you make so much money, you never have to worry again. Sounds pretty good no matter how you slice it! If you think about it, . . . You Really Cant Afford Dont you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible opportunity? For the price of a couple tickets to a football game or a day at Disneyland, you can enjoy financial security like so many other Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM users! Take action now, while it's fresh in your mind (before you miss the deadline and all your free bonuses) and fill out our order form! Sincerely, Sam Robbins P.S. You may still be unsure or have some doubts (sometimes we all do, and ironically all those "doubts" is what keeps us from succeeding in life). But let me ask you a question:
The opportunity is now. The product is here. The only thing between you and success is a simple click here. P.P.S. Remember, you must order within the next 7 days to receive your $1,073.00 in free bonuses! You need to take action today if you want results tomorrow! P.P.P.S. One last reminder -You have to order in the next 3 days only if you want to get an additional Report Broker CD-ROM for free. No exceptions! |