One of the most valuable and important features found on
this CD-ROM is the:Disk Copy Command CenterReport Broker 2000 is the only CD-ROM that includes this unique program, which makes it easy to copy groups of reports onto 3.5 disks. We realize that there are a lot of computer users that do not know how to copy files from a CD-ROM to a floppy disk, and that is why this easy-to-use program was developed. Disk Copy Command Center (DCCC) will allow you to take full advantage of your reprint and marketing rights by creating a dozen different report software disks that you can copy and sell for any price you like! All of the reports have been separated into 12 different Report Groups, so all you have to do is select which group(s) to copy and how many copies you would like to make. It's that easy! What's even easier is making money by selling groups of reports. Using Disk Copy Command Center, you can copy report-groups onto disks which can be sold for $20 to $50 each (depending on how many reports you choose to sell)! The cost of 3.5" floppy disks are approximately .50 cents each. (Just think of the incredible mark up . . .You can turn .50 cents into $50 cash . . . how is that for profits!) You are not limited to selling the report-groups as they are set up on the CD-ROM. Since you will have full access to the reports, you can leave the reports as is, or combine several together and create your own "personalized" report-groups, informational catalogs, newsletters, booklets and manuals! You can title your disks "Report Software", or you can create a title based on the type of reports used (i.e. "Mail-Order Reports", "Legal Forms", "Business Reports", "How-To Reports", etc.). Either way you look at it, selling these reports is a fantastic way to make easy money and increase your cash flow.
Selling these reports is great, but what's even better is selling reports as software! The benefits of selling software are many:
Okay, so selling the reports is great. Selling the reports as "report-groups" on disk is even better, right? But what's even better than selling the disks, is selling the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM! When you purchase this awesome CD-ROM, we will give you...
Yes, you read that right . . . FREE! (Don't you just love that word.) I want you to succeed and one of that fastest and most profitable ways to make instant cash is to market the entire CD-ROM. Remember how earlier I said that selling "report-groups" on disk was a great way to sell these reports and make money? Well, now you can make even more money by using those valuable disks as a great lead-in to selling the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM!
As a reseller through my company, you can pay as little as $15 per prepackaged CD-ROM. They come professionally packaged in a shrink-wrapped jewel case, ready for you to market. The retail price for the Report Broker 2000 is $149. Sell one CD-ROM and you've made a profit of $134.00! I'm not going to lie to you like some other people and give you some crazy scenarios by saying it's easy to "sell 20-30 CD-ROMs a day" and that "you'll be making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year only working an hour a day". That's a downright lie! But I'll tell you something that is very, very realistic: selling only 2-4 CD-ROMs a week (and that's only at the beginning). Selling just 3 a week makes you $402.00 profit each and every week. If you sold just a couple more CD-ROMs a week, you would make an easy $2680.00 each month. (Not to mention the money you made by selling the report-groups as a lead-in product and the extra side income that comes with starting your own reseller program . . . hint. . . hint.). People that purchase your reports and report software are PRIME prospects for this CD-ROM. It's really simple. Just include a sales flyer/letter for the CD-ROM with every order you send out. This is called the "back-end" and is one of the most effective ways of making money in ANY business! "What Did You Say? . . ." "Sales letter?!! . . . I don't even know how to
write a letter to my mom, how am I ever going to write a sales letter to my
customers?!!" No, don't be negative . . . be positive!
Put that smile back on your face
This valuable benefit makes it easy for you to produce your own print-ready marketing materials whenever you want.
If you are interested in marketing the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM, then you should really appreciate this feature. You will enjoy the benefits of offering sales and marketing materials to your customers, without the headache or expense of copying and mailing the documents! Below are some of the professional materials that are included:
Everything is included with this CD-ROM. You're not going to have to spend weeks trying to write up difficult sales letters or come up with "winning" classified ads. It's all in there for you, ready when you need it and you can start making money the minute you receive the CD-ROM.
I really want you to succeed in your marketing venture, and to prove it, I DO NOT advertise my company on the CD-ROM, the CD-ROM packaging, or on any of the reports. Now that's commitment! When you sell a Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM, you appear as the prime source. That means your customers will contact you to purchase CD-ROMs at wholesale. First, you're making money selling the reports . . . then you're making more money selling the CD-ROM . . . finally, you're making even more money (without any additional effort) by having your customers sell the CD-ROMs for you! 1000-Hour Work Week This is a great way to earn back-end income. Imagine, if only a small percentage of people you sell CD-ROMs to decide to become resellers. Your resellers alone could potentially sell hundreds, or even thousands a month! Let's say you only have 10 resellers working for you at the beginning, each only working part-time (20 hours a week). 10 people X 20 hours a week = 200 hour leveraged work week for you. . . without ever even doing any work! (Just imagine if you had 100 resellers working for you . . . 1000-hour work week!) The key here is the product. Many people will purchase Report Broker 2000 from you simply to compare it to the CD-ROM or product they currently market. When they see what this product has to offer, they will be sold in a minute! Since you appear as the prime source, they will have to purchase CD-ROMs at wholesale from you. The checks come directly to you, not us! (that's money in the bank... your bank!).
If you would rather not carry inventory or have to deal with the headache of packaging, shipping and handling, then we will be glad to take care of it for you. All you have to do when you receive an order from your customer is contact us via e-mail, phone, fax or mail to place your drop ship order. Our fulfillment center will professionally package and ship the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM to your customer within 24-48 hours. The price is only $20 per order (one CD-ROM) we drop ship for you. If you sell the CD-ROM for $149 plus $5 S/H, all you have to do is send us $20 and we will take care of the rest. You keep $134.00 for yourself! As you can see, you make almost as much profit when you have us drop ship for you than when you do all the packaging and shipping yourself. We did this on purpose so that:
Whether you choose to do the shipping and packaging yourself or put your business on automatic pilot by having us drop ship for you, you'll make money either way and you always have the option of putting your business on automatic pilot. And here is the most important feature of the Report Broker 2000 CD-ROM:
Don't forget that this CD-ROM is loaded with informational reports on a wide variety of topics. I once had a customer that purchased the rights to a 100 page book about advertising and marketing. After he had received his order, he contacted me to see if I had any information that would help him get started promoting this product, as he was new to the business. I then reminded him the he had just purchased a 100 page book on the very subject he is asking about. He laughed out loud and said "I never even thought about that". The point I'm trying to make is that you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. From advertising and marketing, to information on publishing and business startups, it's all there.
"Why Invent
Mediocrity, That's an excellent quote I picked up from a fellow marketer a few years back. What this means is that you should see what is working and try to duplicate it. Why go through all the trouble of inventing something new, that you don't even know will ever work, when you can easily learn from and duplicate something that has been a proven success? Please, don't mistake this by breaking copyright laws. This basically means you shouldn't "Re-invent the wheel," you should just improve on it and make it better. That's why information products have, and will always be a successful business venture. All we have done is improve the information and the technology! Even The Richest Man In The World Okay, it's time to reveal the ultimate secret of all . . .